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Lunch Program

Our program offers both catered lunch and a la carte service every day except on early release days.  Catered lunch must be pre-ordered.  A la carte is available daily and offers drinks, snacks and quick meals that students can purchase. We partner with local restaurants to provide nutritious and appealing catered lunch options at an affordable price. 


  • Parents or guardians need to open a Parent Account by clicking here or by visiting  The Parent Account serves as a family account where all of the students from the same family will be linked.  To register, click on Register for New Account on the main page and enter the requested information.  Once that has been done, you can link your student to your account. 
  • To link your student, click Manage Lunches > Lunch Accounts>Add Student Profiles then enter your student’s name and student ID number.  If you do not know your student’s ID number, you can go to NCSIS through the Woods Charter School website by clicking here.  The link to NCSIS is located at upper right corner of the main page.  For any assistance with linking, please contact .
  • Once your account is set up, you are able to order milk for the entire year during the sign up period which begins on August 1st and ends on the last day of August.  Another option for milk is to purchase it daily during the lunch period.
  • The catered lunch must be pre-ordered on our website by Sunday midnight prior to the week.  After making selections on the menu, the order must be checked out either with check, cash or credit card.  Cash/checks (made out to WCS) can be dropped off at the front office after the order is placed.  Look for a confirmation email after placing the order to ensure your order went through
  • Students can purchase a la carte with cash or their account funds.  Parents can create funds either with cash or a check dropped off at the front office.
  • If your child misses school due to illness or any other unexpected event, we can’t issue a refund, as the orders to vendors cannot be changed with a short notice.  Please consider it a donation to the school.  However, if the school is closed due to an inclement weather, you will receive a credit.

Volunteer Opportunity
Our lunch program only works because of parent volunteers.  There is no cooking involved, just lots of fun connecting with other parents and interacting with students and faculty while providing a vital service.  Please contact Jamie Horil at if you wish to volunteer, or have any questions about the lunch program.