“A disability is not an inability”
“When a student does better, they try harder”
“All students can reach their full potential; they just may take different paths”.
Our EC Program encompasses identification and a full continuum of special education programs and related services for students who are eligible for special education. We provide exemplary educational services for students with disabilities by implementing individualized education plans utilizing research- and standards-based interventions and instruction. We believe that all students can and will reach their full potential.
The talented staff that work in EC:
Kathleen St.Lawrence: EC & 504 Coordinator kstlawrence@woodscharter.org 919-960-8353 x450
Debbie Hoodiman: High School Resource Room dhoodiman@woodscharter.org 919-960-8353
Amber Bates: K-4 Resource Room abates@woodscharter.org 919-960-8353
Courtney Wilson: High School Occupational Course of Study: cwilson@woodscharter.org 919-960-8353
Kari MacLean: K-8 Resource Room kmaclean@woodscharter.org 919-960-8353
David Johnson: 5-8 Resource Room djohnson@woodscharter.org 919-960-8353 x237
Lynne Giguere: 5-8 Resource Room lgiguere@woodscharter.org 919-960-8353 x237
Amy Odom: Speech Language Pathologist: K-12 aodom@woodscharter.org 919-960-8353
Angela Bell: Occupational Therapist: K-12 abell@woodscharter.org 919-960-8353
Beth Thomas: EC Student Aide bthomas@woodscharter.org 919-960-8353
Jesse Wilcox K-12 Registered Behavior Technician jwilcox@woodscharter.org 919-960-8353
Kate Romatzick EC Teaching Assistant: K-8 kromatzick@woodscharter.org 919-960-8353
EC News….
How to Prepare for Your Child’s Annual IEP Review
Getting the Most from Special-Ed Meetings
Destruction of EC Files
According to school policy, Woods Charter School hereby gives notice that special education records are no longer needed to provide educational services to individuals with disabilities who have left the school and have reached the age of 25 years. The school will destroy these special education records, once public notice has been given, on September 1, 2023. Destruction of these records reduces risks of improper and unauthorized disclosure of personal information.
Please be aware that a person having special education records on file with Woods Charter School, may need these records for social security benefits, legal defense or for other purposes in the future. Any person wishing to review or retain his or her file should contact the School’s EC Coordinator, Kathleen St.Lawrence at kstlawrence@woodscharter.org by September 1, 2023.